Select the appropriate letter to list the data sets starting with that letter.
South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2018: Questionnaire 2 - All provinces | |
Topics covered in the questionnaire are: tourism and leisure, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income. Of the targeted population of 3500, 2736 responses (78.2%) were realised. The data set contains 2736 cases and 283 variables. |
South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2020: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces | |
Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, immigrant related attitudes and behaviour, education, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, poverty and inequality, crime and safety, batho pele, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables. Of the targeted population of 3500, 3032 responses (86.6%) were realised. The data set for dissemination contains 3032 cases and 454 variables. |
South African Student Movement 2015-16: Twitter campaigns from #RhodesMustFall to #FeesMustFall | |
This data set focuses on Social media and student leadership in South Africa, consisting of about 803 563 tweets from #RhodesMustFall to #FeesMustFall on Twitter. |
Social attitudes towards same-sex sexuality in South Africa (SASS): A qualitative pilot study of black South Africans 2013 - Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape | |
In the pilot study we conducted in-depth interviews to find out about people's beliefs and attitudes towards same-sex sexuality. This helped us to gain an in-depth understanding of attitudes towards same-sex sexuality so that we can develop a comprehensive, integrated and adaptive set of questions that could be used to quantify attitudes toward same-sex sexuality in Africa. We conducted interviews across four major cities, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town and Durban, with 8 interviews per city. There were a total of 32 interviews, across different age groups, and genders, and located across both urban and rural areas. The data is embargoed for 36 months, until November 2016. The transcripts are anonymized so as to cross-out all personal or identifying information related to respondents including names, names of places, occupations, workplaces, etc. This data set is not available for download any more. Please contact for enquiries. |
We look out for our children, Caregiver (SIZE) 2010-12. Msunduzi Municipality - KwaZulu-Natal | |
This dataset contains information on 1899 caregivers from the 1961 households that participated in the household survey. However, to facilitate linking, the HHIDs of households completing the household survey were added to this file with no data. |
We look out for our children, Focal child (SIZE) 2010-12. Msunduzi Municipality - KwaZulu-Natal | |
This dataset contains responses obtained directly from the study focal child. There is information from 1835 children from the 1961 households that participated in the household survey. However, to facilitate linking, the HHIDs of households completing the household survey were added to this file with no data meaning there are 1961 records in this file |
We look out for our children, Household (SIZE) 2010-12. Msunduzi Municipality - KwaZulu-Natal | |
This data set contains information on the households that met the inclusion criteria for this study. Information was collected from the primary respondent on themselves and their knowledge of the other household members. For the household survey, 1961 of the 2032 (96.5%) eligible families participated and completed the baseline survey. |
siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 Cohort 1 Grade 1 | |
The file contains the individual learner literacy scores as well as the parent or caregiver responses to the home questionnaire The data set contains 3981 cases and 181 variables. |
siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 Cohort 1 Grade 4 | |
The file contains the individual learner literacy scores as well as the parent or caregiver responses to the home questionnaire. The data set contains 2897 cases and 251 variables. |
siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 School | |
The file contains the principal literacy responses to the school background questionnaire. The data set has 16 cases and 63 variables. |
siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 Teacher | |
Individual teacher and classroom contextual background information questionnaire are contained in the file. The data set contains 176 cases and 145 variables. |
Intimate partner violence with township girls involved in a soccer programme 2016: Qualitative study (SKILLZ) | |
The data contains 26 transcripts of interviews and focus groups with high school learners in Soweto. |
Engaging very young adolescents in improving sexual and reproductive health and rights in the context of national health system reform: Learners' survey (SRH) 2017 - Gert Sibande district, Mpumalanga | |
This data set contains the responses of young adolescents (aged 10-14 years) to a questionnaire concerning their sexual and reproductive health, conducted in Gert Sibande District, Mpumalanga, South Africa in 2017. Issues like bodily development during puberty, menstruation, dating and sex as well as accessing information about these issues are included. The data set for dissemination contains 132 variables and 696 cases from the expected 840 which represented 83% response rate. |
People living with HIV Stigma Index: South Africa (STIGMA) 2014 | |
This data set contains the responses from a purposive sample of 10 473 respondents who were all living with HIV and who were older than 15 years linked to either an organisation for PLHIV or attending health facilities and NGOs for the purposes of accessing support or care related to HIV and AIDS, with the purpose to measure self-reported stigma and discrimination experienced by PLHIV nationally. The data set for dissemination contains 377 variables and 10 473 cases which represented 100% response rate. |