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Data set results for G

Gendered Dimensions of Farming Systems of small-scale livestock keepers (GDFS) 2014: Limpopo and Mpumalanga. A qualitative study

The data comprises of 26 individual interviews and 5 focus group transcriptions.

Originally 20 individuals were targeted (across the 2 research areas), and researchers eventually obtained 24 in-depth interviews. In other words, if interested individuals were willing to participate, the opportunity was used to gain further insights.

Two of the 24 individual interviews and one focus group interview ran into 2 files each which results in a total of 31 transcriptions.

Gendered Dimensions of Farming Systems of small-scale livestock keepers (GDFS) 2014: Limpopo and Mpumalanga. Quantitative data

The data contains household demographic and income and spending data, household information on livestock kept, animal healthcare practices, animal diseases dealt with, and knowledge around animal health and disease.

The data set consists of 85 cases and 665 variables.

Gay men's parenthood choices (GMPC) 2015: An exploratory study - Gauteng and Western Cape

The data set consists of 21 transcribed interviews in which 24 gay men were interviewed. 18 of the interviews were one-on-one interviews whilst couples were interviewed in 3 interviews.

Gauteng State of the Youth Interviews (GSYI) 2018-19: Gauteng, South Africa

The data set reflects the focus group discussion that aimed to unpack the discursive construction of perceptions on the state of the youth in the Gauteng Province, as well as obtain views on the Tshepo 1 Million programme, an employment support entity of the Gauteng Office of the Premier.

Fifteen participants participated in the discussion.

Gauteng State of the Youth Survey (GSYS) 2018-19: Gauteng, South Africa

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: demographic information, education and employment, relationship with family and children, economic status, HIV/AIDS knowledge, race relations, youth risk behaviour (alcohol, drug and sex), political perceptions, trust and active citizenship.

The data set for dissemination contains 317 variables and 561 cases from the expected 700 which represented 80.1% response rate.