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Data set results for M

HSRC Master Sample II

The 2005 HSRC Master Sample was used for SABSSM 2008 and 2012, the SANHANES study in 2012 and SASAS 2007-2010 (adjacent EAs) to obtain an understanding of geographical spread of HIV/AIDS, perceptions and attitudes of people and other health related studies over time.

Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of health workers working in maternal and child health care services (MIMMS) 2014-15 - All provinces in South Africa

The data set consists of 190 cases and 285 variables.

MIMMS Community level qualitative data: Professional health workers (PHW) 2014-15 - Eight provinces in South Africa

The data set consists of 39 transcripts of interviews with professional health workers. Gauteng province was excluded from the study as approval from Department of Health could not be obtained.

MIMMS Community level qualitative data: Traditional birth attendants (TBA) 2014-15 - Seven provinces in South Africa

The data set consists of 15 transcripts of interviews with traditional birth attendants.

All nine provinces were included in the study sample, however, no data were collected for TBAs in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal, urban or rural, Limpopo, urban, North West rural, or Western Cape urban, as TBAs’ practice is not encouraged in many communities and finding willing participants was thus a challenge.

The State of Mpumalanga Population Report (MPPOP) 2016

A series of interviews were conducted which includes 6 focus group interviews with youth participants and 4 individual interviews with government officials during 2015 in Mpumalanga in an effort to have a comprehensive understanding report about the state of the population in the province.

Money, Politics and Transparency Campaign Finance Indicators Project (MPT) 2014

Country's in law score is the unweighted average of the scores on all 23 de jure indicators in a country scorecard: It provides an indication of how stringently a country's laws regulate political finance. The in practice score is the unweighted average of the scores on all 20 de facto indicators. This measure assesses practical enforcement within a country. The composite score is the average of all scores on a given country scorecard, weighted by each of the scorecard's five sections.

Only the South African data scores are available in the HSRC web site. The complete dataset which consists of all 54 countries can be downloaded from -

The full report of the study can be accessed from -

For more information regarding the study which includes the methodology, key findings, etc. the websites below may be accessed: