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Data set results for A

Adverse event reporting in drug resistant tuberculosis facilities in South Africa (AEDR-TB) 2019: Drug resistant Tuberculosis facilities - All provinces

The data set contains 264 variables and 164 responses were received. The respondents were individuals working at DR-TB treatment facilities in South Africa.

The denominator could not be determined as some staff were shift workers or on leave during the visits to the DR-TB facilities. The estimated coverage of all staff exceeded 80%.

South African Agricultural Business Innovation Survey (AgriBIS) 2016-18: All provinces

The South African Agricultural Business Innovation Survey describes the patterns of innovation in South African agribusinesses from 2016 to 2018, analysed at an aggregate level for all agribusinesses, and compares trends across three major sub-sectors: agriculture (including crop, animal, and mixed farming), forestry, and fisheries.

Of the targeted businesses of 1 326, 303 responses (22%) were realised.

There are 132 variables and 303 cases in the data set.

South African Agricultural Business Innovation Survey (AgriBIS) 2016-18 Aggregated: All provinces

The South African Agricultural Business Innovation Survey describes the patterns of innovation in South African agribusinesses from 2016 to 2018, analysed at an aggregate level for all agribusinesses, and compares trends across three major sub-sectors: agriculture (including crop, animal, and mixed farming), forestry, and fisheries.

Evaluation of Access to Justice and Promotion of Constitutional Rights Programme (AJPCR) 2016 - South Africa

The Inception Report made provision for 9 key informant interviews, a total of 18 key informant interviews were conducted. As planned twelve focus group interviews were conducted. Over 100 documents were studied.

Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty Reduction in South Africa (AR) 2012: Household data - KwaZulu-Natal, North West, Western Cape

The data set includes agricultural activities on transferred farmland, including access to state-funded agricultural support on household level.

The data file contains 301 cases and 1042 variables.

Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty Reduction in South Africa (AR) 2012: Individual data - KwaZulu-Natal, North West, Western Cape

This data set contains the demographic information of the individuals in the farm household survey.

The data file contains 1874 cases and 10 variables.