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Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty Reduction in South Africa (AR) 2012: Household data - KwaZulu-Natal, North West, Western Cape

The data set includes agricultural activities on transferred farmland, including access to state-funded agricultural support on household level.

The data file contains 301 cases and 1042 variables.

Agrarian Reform and Rural Poverty Reduction in South Africa (AR) 2012: Individual data - KwaZulu-Natal, North West, Western Cape

This data set contains the demographic information of the individuals in the farm household survey.

The data file contains 1874 cases and 10 variables.

Using CHAMP to prevent youth HIV risk in South Africa. Collaborative HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Project (CHAMP) 2003-06: Adult measures - KwaZulu-Natal

The adult data set includes the responses of 478 adolescents in families of which the responses have been recorded of manual-based sessions done on groups of families with pre-adolescent children (9-11 years) and evaluated using a treatment versus no treatment repeated-measures design. Each session of the manual covers ten topics that include children's rights and responsibilities; parental styles; communication; puberty; hard to talk about issues; risky environmental influences; understanding HIV/AIDS; dealing with stigma; surviving loss and bereavement; developing support networks. The effect of the intervention was measured along all of these dimensions. This data set contains the responses of both the pre-test and the post-test. The responses of the pre- and post-test were merged into one data set.

Using CHAMP to prevent youth HIV risk in South Africa. Collaborative HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Project (CHAMP) 2003-06: Child measures - KwaZulu-Natal

The child data set includes the responses of 579 children in families of which the reponses have been recorded of manual-based sessions done on groups of families with pre-adolescent children (9-11 years) and evaluated using a treatment versus no treatment repeated-measures design. Each session of the manual covers ten topics that include children's rights and responsibilities; parental styles; communication; puberty; hard to talk about issues; risky environmental influences; understanding HIV/AIDS; dealing with stigma; surviving loss and bereavement; developing support networks. The effect of the intervention was measured along all of these dimensions. This data set contains the responses of both the pre-test and the post-test. The responses of the pre- and post-test were merged into one data set.

Civil Society Organisations' engagement in the Millennium Development Goal (CSO-MDG) processes in South Africa 2013

This data set contains 11 transcripts of interviews conducted with the key informants and civil society organisations' representatives.

  • Independent individual key informants (4)
  • Government representatives (1)
  • Civil Society Organisations (6)
DRDLR 2010 Technology Database: Eight provinces in South Africa

The database incorporates technologies used in rural development initiatives in South Africa and includes those technologies identified at the 8 CRDP pilot sites.

Early Childhood Development Forums - Save the Children South Africa Wentworth ECD Centre Audit (ECDF) 2011 - KwaZulu-Natal

The data set contains the responses of the 16 ECD centres that participated in the 2011 Audit and includes 276 variables.

A report for this study, 'Documentation of an Early Childhood Development Forum Approach A Study of the Save the Children South Africa Early Childhood Development Forum Model Report to Save the Children, South Africa May 2014', can be obtained from Mari van der Merwe at the following email address:

Early Childhood Development Forums - Save the Children South Africa Wentworth ECD Centre Audit (ECDF) 2014 - KwaZulu-Natal

The data set contains the responses of the 21 ECD centres that participated in the 2014 Audit and includes 867 variables.

Early Childhood Development Programming in the City of Johannesburg: From measurement to action (ECDP) 2014

The data set contains the responses of the 381 ECD centres included in the City of Johannesburg (COJ) 2014 Audit. The study targeted all ECD centres in 17 wards identified as a priority by CoJ.

GPS coordinates, ECD centre name, interviewee and staff names, the landline telephone number, cellphone number, fax number and email address of the ECD centre, as well as the website address and physical address and names of towns/villages were removed from the data for anonymization purposes.

African Early Child Development Assessment Resource (ECDRES) 2007

The resource which includes descriptions of tests used to assess a range of functions together with African research and standardisation data, is available as a searchable on-line portal.

ELL 2007: Employment and Learning pathways of Learnership participants in the NSDS phase II (ELL): All provinces in South Africa

The data set consists of information on persons who registered for a learnership qualification and who enrolled in the first year of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) Phase II.

A total number of 6 815 valid surveys were returned. This represents a total return rate of 85.2%.

Framework for the development of an annual development report for the National Development Agency (FDADR) 2013: All provinces in South Africa

This is a qualitative study which conducted a total of 5 in-depth interviews. Organisations have been selected as respondents based on their experience and knowledge of development work in South Africa.

Gauteng State of the Youth Interviews (GSYI) 2018-19: Gauteng, South Africa

The data set reflects the focus group discussion that aimed to unpack the discursive construction of perceptions on the state of the youth in the Gauteng Province, as well as obtain views on the Tshepo 1 Million programme, an employment support entity of the Gauteng Office of the Premier.

Fifteen participants participated in the discussion.

Gauteng State of the Youth Survey (GSYS) 2018-19: Gauteng, South Africa

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: demographic information, education and employment, relationship with family and children, economic status, HIV/AIDS knowledge, race relations, youth risk behaviour (alcohol, drug and sex), political perceptions, trust and active citizenship.

The data set for dissemination contains 317 variables and 561 cases from the expected 700 which represented 80.1% response rate.

Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) Research Seminars 2015-2016

The seminars focused on HSRC projects that were underway in 2015-2016 and related work being done elsewhere at the time of the seminar. The seminars addressed latest research, identified research gaps, suggested new research agendas and explored potential policy relevance. This data set includes the proceedings of the 10 seminars of 2015-2016. The following themes were covered:

25 April 2015 - The role of government in an unequal world

26 August 2015 - The meaning of democracy in post-1994 rural South Africa: examples from research conducted in the Eastern Cape

27 August 2015 - The meaning of democracy in post-1994 rural South Africa: Policy implications of research conducted in the Eastern Cape and its impact on the Xhalanga District Court judgement

11 September 2015 - Terrorism, New Militarisms, and Human Rights - Transdisciplinary Approaches

14 September 2015 - Assessments of Social Inequality across Time and Countries

15 September 2015 - Attitudes Towards Social Inequality: Hopes, Fears and Global Prospects

16 November 2015 - The role of science councils in realizing national development goals

25 November 2015 - Exploring policy and practice for a gender responsive mining sector

27 November 2015 Bringing cognitive justice and restorative action in public policy making

17 March 2016 - A new social imaginary and subjectivities for a diverse, socially just world: some interventions

Innovation for Inclusive Development (IID) Policy Seminars and the Government Cluster Policy Workshops (GCPWs) Series 2016-17
The Innovation for Inclusive Development (IID) Policy Seminars and the Government Cluster Policy Workshops (GCPWs) Series is a collaboration between the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). The IID Seminars emerged out of a concern that, despite various pilots, demonstration and technology transfer initiatives, there are still challenges faced by the introduction and integration of STI-based interventions to effectively and efficiently support the achievement of inclusive development.
These challenges indicate a need for a holistic and systems level intervention that will ensure that innovation fully supports inclusive development. Such interventions would include providing guidance and strengthening the NSI to support the inclusive development agenda through appropriate mechanisms such as human capital development, financial and non-financial incentives, impact monitoring and evaluation, as well as hosting seminars. The IID Policy Seminars are such interventions.
This data set consists of the transcribed proceedings of the following five IID Seminars held between 2016 and 2017:
  • How ready is South African policy for IID
  • Information and communication technologies in basic education
  • Innovation partnerships for rural development programme
  • SASTEP innovation sanitation technology
  • Why do development projects fail?
South African National Survey of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer at Publicly Funded Research Institutions - Inaugural Baseline Study (IP-TT): 2014-15 Aggregated

This data set contains the responses of Offices of Technology Transfer (OTT) directors who participated in the IP & TT survey. This survey also contains a qualitative component.

OXFAM 2010 Before We Eat We Must Struggle: The impact of the GEC at the household level evidence from a qualitative field study - Gauteng and Mpumalanga

The 2010 (May - June) dataset contains a summary of the household responses as given by the head or partner of head to the interview team, using a single aide-memoire interview schedule with open-ended questions together with some quantitative questions. It covers the household situation in regard to poverty, hunger and the impact of the 2008 Global Economic Crisis on poor households and on their members from 2008-2009. Both text transcriptions of the recorded responses and the quantitative material are included in the dataset. Not all households in the sample completed all the questions.

Twenty nine households with 14 at 'Swedenville' and 15 at 'Bergpoort' (Pseudo locations). The main respondent data set has 262 variables, 27 records. The household roster has 18 variables and 106 records. The merged dataset has 279 variables and 106 records.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2001-02: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data for the years 2001/02 on the R&D expenditure of businesses, government, higher education, not-for-profit organisations, science councils and research institutions and museums.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2001/02_2020/21: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains aggregated data from 2001/02 to 2020/12 on R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and personnel data. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2003-04: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data tables on aggregated R&D Personnel and aggregate R&D expenditure of five survey sectors across multiple categorisations for the years 2003 to 2004.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2004-05: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data on the R&D expenditure of businesses, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations, Science Councils and Research Institutions & Museums for the 2004/05 survey.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2004-05 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2005-06: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils for the period 2005-2006.R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2006-07: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2006-07 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2007-08: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2007-08 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2008-09: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2008-09 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2009-10: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data for 2009-10 on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2009-10 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2010-11: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data for 2010-11 on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2010-11 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2011-12: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data for 2011-12 on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2011-12 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2012-13: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data for 2012-13 on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2012-13 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2013-14: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains the aggregated data for 2013-14 on the R&D expenditure per province by Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils. R&D expenditure is aggregated by five survey sectors across nine provinces in South Africa.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2013-14 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2014-15: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on the R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and province. R&D personnel data is also included. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of the 2013-14 data files, some of the information has been anonymised and the revised data files are disseminated as Version 2.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2015-16: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and personnel data. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2016-17: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on the R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and province. R&D personnel data is also included. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2017-18: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on the R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and province. R&D personnel data is also included. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2018-19: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on the R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and province. R&D personnel data is also included. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2019-20: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on the R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and province. R&D personnel data is also included. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) 2020-21: All provinces in South Africa - Aggregated

This data set contains data on the R&D expenditure by province, type of R&D, research fields, socioeconomic objectives, sources of funds and province. R&D personnel data is also included. The data is recorded for each of the following economic sectors of the South African economy: Business, Government, Higher Education, Not-for-Profit Organisations and Science Councils.

National Research and Experimental Development Survey (R&D) and other S&T related activities in Agriculture in South Africa 2010-11

This data set contains the aggregated data on Agriculture R&D and other S&T indicators by province as well as by government, higher education, not-for-profit organisations and science councils.

We look out for our children, Caregiver (SIZE) 2010-12. Msunduzi Municipality - KwaZulu-Natal

This dataset contains information on 1899 caregivers from the 1961 households that participated in the household survey. However, to facilitate linking, the HHIDs of households completing the household survey were added to this file with no data.

We look out for our children, Focal child (SIZE) 2010-12. Msunduzi Municipality - KwaZulu-Natal

This dataset contains responses obtained directly from the study focal child. There is information from 1835 children from the 1961 households that participated in the household survey. However, to facilitate linking, the HHIDs of households completing the household survey were added to this file with no data meaning there are 1961 records in this file

We look out for our children, Household (SIZE) 2010-12. Msunduzi Municipality - KwaZulu-Natal

This data set contains information on the households that met the inclusion criteria for this study. Information was collected from the primary respondent on themselves and their knowledge of the other household members.

For the household survey, 1961 of the 2032 (96.5%) eligible families participated and completed the baseline survey.

siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 Cohort 1 Grade 4

The file contains the individual learner literacy scores as well as the parent or caregiver responses to the home questionnaire.

The data set contains 2897 cases and 251 variables.

TARMII-fp: A teaching tool for enhancing literacy assessment (TTTELA) 2014: Grade 3 Post-test - Four provinces in South Africa

Grade 3 learners responses to tests to assess their literacy level - post-test.

This data set contains 34 variables and 2671 cases.

TARMII-fp: A teaching tool for enhancing literacy assessment (TTTELA) 2014: Grade 3 Pre-test - Four provinces in South Africa

Grade 3 learners responses to tests to assess their literacy level - pre-test.

This data set contains 11 variables and 2853 cases.

Status of the Youth Survey (SYR) 2003 - All provinces in South Africa

The study makes assessments of the state of young people in South Africa in relation to education, economic and civic participation, and health and wellbeing. The study consisted of a literature review, secondary data analysis and a nationally representative survey of 3 541 young people aged 18-35 years.