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South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2012: Questionnaire 3 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: family and changing gender roles (ISSP module); perception of poverty and inequality; necessities for children; family cohesion; community perception and involvement; views of marriage and relationships; views on children and parenting; respondent relationship with partner; voting and party preference; respondent characteristics, household characteristics.

The data set for dissemination contains 2547 cases and 535 variables.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of this data set an embargo was imposed on the data. Incorrect codes for Q16, Q62, Q154d, Q155c, Q261, Q266a, Q266c, Q266d were edited and 7 redundant variables were deleted from the data file. A new data set is disseminated as version 2.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 2 of this data set it was discovered that an error had occurred during the merging of the weighting variable into the data file. The weight variable as well as province and geographic location (geotype) were updated with the correct information. The "Dignity, poverty and social grants" module from questionnaire three were deleted from the data set owing to owner's permission. A new data set is disseminated as version 3.