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Using CHAMP to prevent youth HIV risk in South Africa. Collaborative HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Project (CHAMP) 2003-06: Adult measures - KwaZulu-Natal

The adult data set includes the responses of 478 adolescents in families of which the responses have been recorded of manual-based sessions done on groups of families with pre-adolescent children (9-11 years) and evaluated using a treatment versus no treatment repeated-measures design. Each session of the manual covers ten topics that include children's rights and responsibilities; parental styles; communication; puberty; hard to talk about issues; risky environmental influences; understanding HIV/AIDS; dealing with stigma; surviving loss and bereavement; developing support networks. The effect of the intervention was measured along all of these dimensions. This data set contains the responses of both the pre-test and the post-test. The responses of the pre- and post-test were merged into one data set.

Using CHAMP to prevent youth HIV risk in South Africa. Collaborative HIV/AIDS and Mental Health Project (CHAMP) 2003-06: Child measures - KwaZulu-Natal

The child data set includes the responses of 579 children in families of which the reponses have been recorded of manual-based sessions done on groups of families with pre-adolescent children (9-11 years) and evaluated using a treatment versus no treatment repeated-measures design. Each session of the manual covers ten topics that include children's rights and responsibilities; parental styles; communication; puberty; hard to talk about issues; risky environmental influences; understanding HIV/AIDS; dealing with stigma; surviving loss and bereavement; developing support networks. The effect of the intervention was measured along all of these dimensions. This data set contains the responses of both the pre-test and the post-test. The responses of the pre- and post-test were merged into one data set.

ELL 2007: Employment and Learning pathways of Learnership participants in the NSDS phase II (ELL): All provinces in South Africa

The data set consists of information on persons who registered for a learnership qualification and who enrolled in the first year of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) Phase II.

A total number of 6 815 valid surveys were returned. This represents a total return rate of 85.2%.

HIV/AIDS Educators study (ELRC) 2005: Educators data - All provinces in South Africa

This data set has 21,358 records and 609 variables addressing the impact of HIV/AIDS on educators in South African public schools. It contains the Biographic data, teaching responsibilities, work load, impact of HIV on educators, absenteeism, morale and job satisfaction, training and support, substance use, violence within schools, sexual behaviour, male condom accessibility, HIV/AIDS knowledge, communication about HIV/AIDS, risk perception, Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT), tuberculosis, health service utilisation and HIV status.

The data contains 609 variables and 21358 cases.

HIV/AIDS Educators study (ELRC) 2005: Education institution data - All provinces in South Africa

This data set has the statistics of the FETcolleges and public schools in South Africa addressing human resources regarding educators and student educators. It also addresses staff loss and relative wealth ranking.

There are 1508 records and 119 variables.

HIV/AIDS Educators study (ELRC) 2005: Student educator data - All provinces in South Africa

The objective of this study was to collect information about demand and supply of educators based in public educational institutions and FET colleges in South Africa. This data set has 919 records and 326 variables addressing the impact of HIV/AIDS on student educators in South African. It contains the biographic data, study subjects responsibilities, work load, impact of HIV on student educators, absenteeism, morale and job satisfaction, training and support, substance use, violence within schools, sexual behaviour, male condom accessibility, HIV/AIDS knowledge, communication about HIV/AIDS, risk perception, Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT), tuberculosis, health service utilisation, HIV status.

The data contains 326 variables and 919 cases.

The evaluation of peer education in Western Cape schools (EPEP): A longitudinal study 2013 - Time 0

The purpose of this data collection was to measure change in attitudes, knowledge and behaviour of Grade 8 and Grade 9 learners on a set of pre-identified indicators in relation to peer education and HIV/AIDS. This is the first data set obtained from three phases of collections which were analysed to explore whether peer education in our sample of schools had achieved the set objectives. It contains 286 variables and 2951 cases. The following topics were covered throughout the three sets of data collection: respondent's demographic data, respondent's school data, exposure to Peer Education, future orientation, sensation seeking and risk taking behaviour, drug and alcohol use, sexual efficacy, sexual experience, HIV/AIDS knowledge, HIV/AIDS attitudes, HIV/AIDS behaviours and intentions, decision making, healthy and unhealthy relationships and gender and social support.

The evaluation of peer education in Western Cape schools (EPEP): A longitudinal study 2013 - Time 1

The purpose of this data collection was to measure change in attitudes, knowledge and behaviour of Grade 8 and Grade 9 learners on a set of pre-identified indicators in relation to peer education and HIV/AIDS. This is the second data set obtained from three phases of collections which were analysed to explore whether peer education in our sample of schools had achieved the set objectives. It contains 287 variables and 2675 cases. The following topics were covered throughout the three sets of data collection: respondent's demographic data, respondent's school data, exposure to Peer Education, future orientation, sensation seeking and risk taking behaviour, drug and alcohol use, sexual efficacy, sexual experience, HIV/AIDS knowledge, HIV/AIDS attitudes, HIV/AIDS behaviours and intentions, decision making, healthy and unhealthy relationships and gender and social support.

The evaluation of peer education in Western Cape schools (EPEP): A longitudinal study 2013 - Time 2

The purpose of this data collection was to measure change in attitudes, knowledge and behaviour of Grade 8 and Grade 9 learners on a set of pre-identified indicators in relation to peer education and HIV/AIDS. This is the third data set obtained from three phases of collections which were analysed to explore whether peer education in our sample of schools had achieved the set objectives. It contains 286 variables and 2230 cases. The following topics were covered throughout the three sets of data collection: respondent's demographic data, respondent's school data, exposure to Peer Education, future orientation, sensation seeking and risk taking behaviour, drug and alcohol use, sexual efficacy, sexual experience, HIV/AIDS knowledge, HIV/AIDS attitudes, HIV/AIDS behaviours and intentions, decision making, healthy and unhealthy relationships and gender and social support.

Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) Research Seminars 2016-2017

The seminars focused on HSRC projects that were underway in 2016-2017 and related work being done elsewhere at the time of the seminar. The seminars addressed latest research, identified research gaps, suggested new research agendas and explored potential policy relevance. This data set includes the proceedings of the 10 seminars of 2016-2017. The following themes were covered:

30 June 2016 - Rebellion of the poor: Research, politics, policing and people

01 July 2016 - Rebellion of the poor: Research on protests: South Africa, Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine Compared

28 September 2016 - Researching youth languages in Africa

21 November 2016 - Capacity building for (community) engaged scholarship

23 November 2016 - Policy co-ordination and growth traps in a middle-income country setting: The case of South Africa

24 November 2016 - Best practice in male circumcision: The acknowledgement of traditional leaders as custodians

08 March 2017 - The 'Human Capital Pipeline' - Human capabilities and the South African System of Innovation

22 March 2017 - Towards a more equal society: Perspectives of educational inequality in South Africa

23 March 2017 - The National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS): What does NIDS tell us about growing up in South Africa? A focus on children and youth

31 March 2017 - Intergenerational trauma and memory: Implications for social cohesion in contemporary South Africa

Innovation for Inclusive Development (IID) Policy Seminars and the Government Cluster Policy Workshops (GCPWs) Series 2016-17
The Innovation for Inclusive Development (IID) Policy Seminars and the Government Cluster Policy Workshops (GCPWs) Series is a collaboration between the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). The IID Seminars emerged out of a concern that, despite various pilots, demonstration and technology transfer initiatives, there are still challenges faced by the introduction and integration of STI-based interventions to effectively and efficiently support the achievement of inclusive development.
These challenges indicate a need for a holistic and systems level intervention that will ensure that innovation fully supports inclusive development. Such interventions would include providing guidance and strengthening the NSI to support the inclusive development agenda through appropriate mechanisms such as human capital development, financial and non-financial incentives, impact monitoring and evaluation, as well as hosting seminars. The IID Policy Seminars are such interventions. 
This data set consists of the transcribed proceedings of the following five IID Seminars held between 2016 and 2017:
  • How ready is South African policy for IID
  • Information and communication technologies in basic education
  • Innovation partnerships for rural development programme
  • SASTEP innovation sanitation technology
  • Why do development projects fail?
South African National Survey of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer at Publicly Funded Research Institutions - Inaugural Baseline Study (IP-TT): 2014-15 Aggregated

This data set contains the responses of Offices of Technology Transfer (OTT) directors who participated in the IP & TT survey. This survey also contains a qualitative component.

South African HIV/AIDS, Behavioural Risks, Sero-status, and Mass Media Impact Survey (SABSSM) 2002: Guardian data - All provinces

The guardian data of the SABSSM 2002 study cover information from the parents or care givers of children 2-11 years on matters ranging from biographical information of the child and parent/guardian, the child's home environment, care and protection, sources of information on HIV and AIDS, media impact and the health status of the child.

The data set contains 380 variables and 2732 cases.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2003: Combined data with individual weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined data set. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2003 were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 4980 records and 269 variables.

Core topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behaviour, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables, nature of families and family authority.

This version of the combined dataset should be used when analysis is to be performed at individual level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2003: Combined data with household weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined dataset. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2003 were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 4980 records and 269 variables.

Core topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behaviour, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables, nature of families and family authority.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at household level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2003: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2003 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2497 records and 369 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services-education, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behaviour, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables, nature of families and family authority.

Rotating modules are: health status, HIV/AIDS and health behaviour, communication, International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module: national identity, democracy part 2, poverty, generational and gender attitudes and domestic violence, interpersonal violence.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2003: Questionnaire 2 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2003 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2483 records and 356 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services-education,health status, HIV/AIDS, health behaviour,moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables, nature of families and family authority.

Rotating modules are: health status, HIV/AIDS and health behaviour, communication, International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module: national identity, democracy part 2, poverty, generational and gender attitudes and domestic violence, interpersonal violence.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2004: Combined data with individual weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined dataset. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2004 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 5583 records and 255 variables.

Core topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services and local government, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behavior, moral and religious issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at individual level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2004: Combined data with household weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined dataset. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2004 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 5583 records and 255 variables.

Core topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services and local government, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behavior, moral and religious issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at household level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2004: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2004 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2799 records and 343 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services and local government, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behaviour, moral and religious issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module, environment, democracy part 2, poverty.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2004: Questionnaire 2 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2004 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2784 records and 336 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services and local government, health status, HIV/AIDS, health behavior, moral and religious issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module, environment, democracy part 2, poverty.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2005: Combined data with individual weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined dataset. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2005 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 5734 records and 167 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, national identity, public services, moral and religious issues, crime, voting, water, demographics and other classificatory variables.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at individual level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2005: Combined data with household weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined dataset. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2005 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 5734 records and 167 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, national identity, public services, moral and religious issues, crime, voting, water, demographics and other classificatory variables.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at household level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2005: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2005 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2850 records and 311 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, national identity, public services-education, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module – Work orientation, intergroup relations, Soccer World Cup, democracy part 2, water services and poverty.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2005: Questionnaire 2 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2005 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2884 records and 313 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, national identity, public services, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module – Work orientation, intergroup relations, Soccer World Cup, democracy part 2, water services and poverty.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2006: Combined data with individual weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined data set. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2006 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 5843 records and 157 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at individual level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2006: Combined data with household weight - All provinces

The harmonised core module data are available in the combined dataset. The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2006 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The combined data set contains 5843 records and 157 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

This version of the combined dataset should be used where analysis is to be performed at household level.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2006: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2006 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2904 records and 379 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: communication, national identity, social exclusion, poverty, tourism and leisure, media and communication, work and welfare.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2006: Questionnaire 2 - All provinces

The questions contained in the core modules of the two SASAS questionnaires for 2006 (demographics and core thematic issues) were asked of 7000 respondents, while the remaining rotating modules were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 2939 records and 388 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, identity, public services, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: communication, International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module, national identity, social exclusion, poverty, tourism and leisure, media and communication, work and welfare.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2007: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in SASAS questionnaires one and two for 2007 were asked of a half sample of approximately 3500 respondents each.

The data set contains 3164 records and 385 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, intergroup relations, public services, moral issues, crime, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are: child poverty, poverty, household expenditure, climate change / global warming, soccer world cup, service delivery, Batho Pele principles, International Social Surveys Programme (ISSP) module: leisure time and sport and smoking and tobacco behaviour .

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2008: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in SASAS questionnaire one for 2008 were asked of approximately 3500 respondents.

The data set contains 3321 records and 366 variables.

Topics included in the questionnaire are: democracy, intergroup relations, public services: education, moral issues, crime and safety, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

Rotating modules are:  national identity and pride, gender attitudes, poverty, household expenditure, soccer world cup, service delivery and hope scale.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2009: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in SASAS questionnaires one for 2009 were asked of approximately 3500 respondents.

Topics included in the questionnaires are: democracy, intergroup relations, public services: education, moral issues, crime and safety, disability, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

The data set has 3305 cases and 361 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2009: Questionnaire 2 Cell phone usage - All provinces

Topics included in the questionnaire two are cell phone usage, Batho Pele, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

The data set has 3307 cases and 122 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2010: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in SASAS questionnaire one for 2010 were asked of approximately 3500 respondents.

Topics included in the questionnaire are: democracy, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education, health status and behaviour, moral issues, crime and safety, personal wellbeing index, poverty, public understanding of science, police confidence, Batho Pele, voting, demographics and other classificatory variables.

The data set for dissemination contains 3183 cases and 380 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2011: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

The questions contained in SASAS questionnaire one for 2011 were asked of approximately 3500 respondents.

Topics included in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education,moral issues, crime and safety, personal wellbeing index, poverty, police confidence, tolerance, corruption, Batho Pele, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

The data set for dissemination contains 3057 cases and 447 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2012: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, national wellbeing index, poverty, IEC state of democracy module, Batho Pele, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

The data set for dissemination contains 2520 cases and 429 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2012: Questionnaire 2 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, personal wellbeing index, crime and safety, energy, financial literacy, product choice, financial knowledge and understanding, police confidence, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

The data set for dissemination contains 2518 cases and 577 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2012: Questionnaire 3 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: family and changing gender roles (ISSP module); perception of poverty and inequality; necessities for children; family cohesion; community perception and involvement; views of marriage and relationships; views on children and parenting; respondent relationship with partner; voting and party preference; respondent characteristics, household characteristics.

The data set for dissemination contains 2547 cases and 535 variables.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of this data set an embargo was imposed on the data. Incorrect codes for Q16, Q62, Q154d, Q155c, Q261, Q266a, Q266c, Q266d were edited and 7 redundant variables were deleted from the data file. A new data set is disseminated as version 2.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 2 of this data set it was discovered that an error had occurred during the merging of the weighting variable into the data file. The weight variable as well as province and geographic location (geotype) were updated with the correct information. The "Dignity, poverty and social grants" module from questionnaire three were deleted from the data set owing to owner's permission. A new data set is disseminated as version 3.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2013: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, poverty, crime and safety, police confidence, financial literacy, financial knowledge and understanding, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

The data set for dissemination contains 2885 cases and 645 variables.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of this data set it was discovered that the data contained client modules that were under embargo. These modules were removed from the data and a new data set disseminated as version 2.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2014: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, national wellbeing index, poverty, Batho Pele, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

The data set for dissemination contains 3124 cases and 458 variables.

The ISSP 2014 Citizenship module has been removed from the data file, and can be accessed at these links:


South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2015: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, poverty, crime and safety, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

Out of the targeted population of 3500, 3115 responses (89%) was realized.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2016: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education, personal wellbeing index, poverty, crime and safety, protest action, sexual orientation and gender identity, views on restitution/compensation, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

Of the targeted population of 3500, 3079 responses (88%) was realized.

The data set for dissemination contains 3079 cases and 518 variables.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2017: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, education, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, poverty, taxation, crime and safety, wellbeing, decolonisation, transformative governance, batho pele, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

Of the targeted population of 3500, 3173 responses (90.7%) were realised.

The data set contains 3173 cases and 638 variables.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of this data set it was discovered that the data contained errors. These were removed from the data and a new data set disseminated as version 2.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2020: Questionnaire 1 - All provinces

Topics covered in the questionnaire are: democracy and governance, national identity and pride, intergroup relations, immigrant related attitudes and behaviour, education, moral issues, personal wellbeing index, poverty and inequality, crime and safety, batho pele, voting, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income variables.

Of the targeted population of 3500, 3032 responses (86.6%) were realised.

The data set for dissemination contains 3032 cases and 454 variables.

THRD Skills Audit Review: Background Paper - Department of Basic Education (DBE) Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Educators in secondary schools in South Africa Survey Report

The data set contains 129 variables and 84 Basic Education Educators of Tourism and related subjects and qualifications who completed the web-based online survey.

South African Tourism Human Resource Development Skills Audit Review: Graduate and Learner survey (THRD) 2016 - All provinces

The data set contains 118 variables and 107 graduates and current learners of HEI Tourism and related qualifications who completed the web-based online survey.

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2015 Grade 5: School Questionnaire (ACG)

This data set contains learner responses to the School Questionnaire.

The data set has 116 variables and 297 learners.

Of the 300 sampled schools, 297 was realised, providing a response rate of 99%.

Status of the Youth Survey (SYR) 2003 - All provinces in South Africa

The study makes assessments of the state of young people in South Africa in relation to education, economic and civic participation, and health and wellbeing. The study consisted of a literature review, secondary data analysis and a nationally representative survey of 3 541 young people aged 18-35 years.