Keyword data search

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The impact of HIV-AIDS on the health sector 2002: Adult data - All provinces in South Africa

The data set contains adult patients' data- demographic, morbidity, behavioural, environmental and data on health facilities (i.e. type, province and health district). Patient biographic data (age, sex, race, residence, nationality, language, type of dwelling, education, employment, income, religion, marital status, etc.). Data on history of hospitalisation of patient and data on patients health status like weight, STIs, pregnancy etc. and symptoms/diseases that had prompted patients to seek medical and health care. Behavioural data includes sexual partnerships, condom use, alcohol/ drug use and circumcision that predisposes one towards infection with HIV.
Environmental data on pollution, living on farms and access to clean drinking water and food as well as data on HIV status was collected.

The data contains 192 variables and 1534 cases.

South African HIV/AIDS, Behavioural Risks, Sero-status, and Mass Media Impact Survey (SABSSM) 2002: Adult and youth data - All provinces

The adult and youth data of the SABSSM 2002 study cover information from adults and youths 15 years and older on topics ranging from biographical information, media and communication, male circumcision, marital status and marriage practice, partner and partner characteristics, sexual behaviour and practices, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), sexual orientation, interpersonal communication, practices around widowhood, knowledge and perceptions of HIV and AIDS, stigma, hospitalisation and health status.

The data set consists of 643 variables and 9788 cases.

South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1) 2011-12: Adult clinical examination - All provinces

The data set for dissemination contains 23 variables and 5615 cases of respondents aged 15 and older who participated in the SANHANES-1 Adult clinical examination, with a specific focus on information relating to blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

South African Social Attitudes Survey (SASAS) 2009: Questionnaire 2 NutritionA - All provinces

Dietary diversity in adults aged 16 years and older in South Africa. Topics included in the questionnaire are the household schedule, nutrition, respondent characteristics, household characteristics, personal and household income.

The data set contains 3307 cases and 214 variables.