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Data set results for S

South African HIV/AIDS, Behavioural Risks, Sero-status, and Mass Media Impact Survey (SABSSM) 2002: Adult and youth data - All provinces

The adult and youth data of the SABSSM 2002 study cover information from adults and youths 15 years and older on topics ranging from biographical information, media and communication, male circumcision, marital status and marriage practice, partner and partner characteristics, sexual behaviour and practices, voluntary counseling and testing (VCT), sexual orientation, interpersonal communication, practices around widowhood, knowledge and perceptions of HIV and AIDS, stigma, hospitalisation and health status.

The data set consists of 643 variables and 9788 cases.

South African HIV/AIDS, Behavioural Risks, Sero-status, and Mass Media Impact Survey (SABSSM) 2002: Child data - All provinces

The child data of the SABSSM 2002 study include information from the children 12-14 years on various topics topics such as biographical information, knowledge and communication about HIV and AIDS, the child's home environment, care and protection, sexual experience and behaviour, circumcision, hospitalisation history and health status.

The data set contains 420 variables and 998 cases.

South African HIV/AIDS, Behavioural Risks, Sero-status, and Mass Media Impact Survey (SABSSM) 2002: Guardian data - All provinces

The guardian data of the SABSSM 2002 study cover information from the parents or care givers of children 2-11 years on matters ranging from biographical information of the child and parent/guardian, the child's home environment, care and protection, sources of information on HIV and AIDS, media impact and the health status of the child.

The data set contains 380 variables and 2732 cases.

South African HIV/AIDS, Behavioural Risks, Sero-status, and Mass Media Impact Survey (SABSSM) 2002: Visiting point data - All provinces

This data file contains household information about the people who usually live and slept there (the previous night) as per the time of the interview. Their age, sex, relationship to household head, marital status, race, language spoken, are included.

The data set contains 300 variables and 10864 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2005: Adult and youth data - All provinces

This data set contains information on participants (youth and adult) aged 15 years and older. Main components were: biographical data; media, communication and norms; knowledge and perceptions of HIV/AIDS; marital status; sexual debut; condoms; vulnerable groups; voluntary counselling and testing; antiretroviral treatment; alcohol and other substance use; general perceptions about government policies; knowledge and perceptions of HIV vaccines; mental health and health questions; financing the healthcare system; and violence in the household.

The data set contains 495 variables and 16398 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2005: Child data - All provinces

This data set contains information on children aged 12 - 14 years; biographical data; media, communication and norms; knowledge and perceptions of HIV/AIDS; home environment; care and protection; sexual debut; condoms; attitudes and knowledge towards sexual roles; health; and violence in the community.

The data set contains 394 variables and 1617 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2005: Combined data - All provinces

The SABSSM 2005 (SABSSM II) survey had four questionnaires (Visiting point, 2 to 11 years old, 12 to 14 year old and 15+ years olds). In the combined data set, three individual data sets were combined together: the guardian data (2 to 11 years old), the child data (12 to 14 year old) and youth and adult (15+ years old). In combining these data sets, only questions that were common to all the data sets were combined together to create a composite data file that could be used to analyze data. The data file included demographic variables, HIV test results and sexual behavioural variables for those aged 15 years and above.

The data set contains 31 variables and 23275 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2005: Guardian data - All provinces

The guardian data of the SABSSM 2005 study covers information from the parents or care givers of children 2 - 11 years on matters ranging from biographical information of the child and parent/guardian, the child's home environment, care and protection, sources of information on HIV and AIDS, media impact and the health status of the child.

The data set contains 165 variables and 5260 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2005: Visiting point data - All provinces

This data file contains household information about the people who usually live and slept there (the previous night) as per the time of the interview. Their age, sex, marital status, race, language spoken, education status, main source of drinking water, energy for cooking, type of toilet facility is included.

The data set contains 25 variables and 10548 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Adult - All provinces

This data set contains information on adults aged 25 years and older: biographical data, media, communication and norms, knowledge and perceptions of HIV/AIDS, male circumcision, sexual debut, partners and partner characteristics, condoms, vulnerability, HIV testing, alcohol and substance use, general perceptions about government, health and violence in the community.

The data set contains 516 variables and 10501 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Child data - All provinces

This data set contains information on children aged 12 - 14 years; biographical data; media, communication and norms; knowledge and perceptions of HIV/AIDS; home environment; care and protection; sexual debut; condoms; attitudes and knowledge towards sexual roles; health; and violence in the community.

The data set contains 467 variables and 1491 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Combined Version 2 - All provinces

In the combined data set five individual data sets were combined, guardians for both infants younger than 2 years and children 2 to 11 years, children 12 to 14 years, youths and adults 15 years and older.

The data set contains information on: biographical data, media, communication and norms, knowledge and perceptions of HIV/AIDS, male circumcision, sexual debut, partners and partner characteristics, condoms, vulnerability, HIV testing, alcohol and substance use, general perceptions about government, health and violence in the community.

The data set contains 810 variables and 23369 cases.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of this data set it was discovered that the data of the following variables were missing: rq240a - rq240f. This was corrected and additionally two variables without descriptions were removed from the data set. A new data set is disseminated as version 2.

South Africa continues to have the largest number of people living with HIV/AIDS in the World. This study intends to understand the determinants that lead South Africans to be vulnerable and susceptible to HIV. This is the third in a series of household surveys conducted by Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), that allow for tracking of HIV and associated determinants over time using a slightly same methodology used in 2002 and 2005 survey, making it the third national-level repeat survey. The 2002 and 2005 surveys included individuals aged 2+ years living in South Africa while 2008 survey included individuals of all ages living in South Africa, including infants younger than 2 years of age. The interval of three years since 2002 allows for an exploration of shifts over time against a complex of demographic and other variables, as well as allowing for investigation of the new areas. The survey provides the first nationally representative HIV incidence estimates.

The study key objectives were to: determine the prevalence of HIV infection in South Africa; examine the incidence of HIV infection in South Africa; assess the relationship between behavioural factors and HIV infection in South Africa; describe trends in HIV prevalence, HIV incidence, and risk behaviour in South Africa over the period 2002-2008; investigate the link between social, values, and cultural determinants and HIV infection in South Africa; assess the type and frequency of exposure to major national behavioural change communication programmes and assess their relationship to HIV prevention, AIDS treatment, care, and support; describe male circumcision practices in South Africa and assess its acceptability as a method of HIV prevention; collect data on the health conditions of South Africans; and contribute to the analysis of the impact of HIV/AIDS on society.

In the 13440 valid households or visiting points, 10856 agreed to participate in the survey, 23369 individuals (no more than 4 per household, including infants under 2 years) were eligible to be interviewed, and 20826 individuals completed the interview. Of the 23369 eligible individuals, 15031 agreed to provide a blood specimen for HIV testing and were anonymously linked to the behavioural questionnaires. the household response rate was 80.8%, the individual response rate was 89.1% and the overall response rate for HIV testing was 64.3%.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Combined - All provinces Retracted

In the combined data set five individual data sets were combined, guardians for both infants younger than 2 years and children 2 to 11 years, children 12 to 14 years, youths and adults 15 years and older.

The data set contains information on: biographical data, media, communication and norms, knowledge and perceptions of HIV/AIDS, male circumcision, sexual debut, partners and partner characteristics, condoms, vulnerability, HIV testing, alcohol and substance use, general perceptions about government, health and violence in the community.

The data set contains 812 variables and 23369 cases.

Subsequent to the dissemination of version 1 of this data set it was discovered that the data of the following variables were missing: rq240a - rq240f. This was corrected and a new data set is disseminated as version 2:

Human Sciences Research Council. South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Combined - All provinces. [Data set]. SABSSM 2008 Combined. Version 2.0. Pretoria South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council [producer] 2009, Human Sciences Research Council [distributor] 2015.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Guardian 2-11 - All provinces

The guardian data of the SABSSM 2008 study covers information from the parents or care givers of children 2 - 11 years on matters ranging from biographical information of the child and parent/guardian, the child's home environment, care and protection, sources of information on HIV and AIDS, media impact and the health status of the child.

The data set contains 243 variables and 4318 cases.

South African National HIV Prevalence, HIV Incidence, Behaviour and Communication Survey (SABSSM) 2008: Guardian Infant - All provinces

The guardian data of the SABSSM 2008 study covers information from the parents or care givers of children younger than 2 years on matters ranging from biographical information of the child and parent/guardian, the child's home environment, care and protection, sources of information on HIV and AIDS, media impact, history of health services, male circumcision and child health services.

The data set contains 161 variables and 1715 cases.