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Data set results for Q

Quality Learning Project (QLP) 2004 Gr9-11 Learner background: South Africa - National study

The data set contains the data from the learner background questionnaire, e.g. Learner profile, support received and learner participation, learner education and other background, school environment, reading proficiency, textbooks and learning materials, English and Mathematics class conditions.

There were 378 variables and 6196 cases (2386 grade 9 and 3810 grade 11 learners).

Slight differences occur between the realized sample as stated in the reports and those that appear in the published data. Cases were omitted in the learner questionnaire data if a paired learner test was not available. Learners who were absent on the testing would not have their background information included in the data.

Quality Learning Project (QLP) 2004 Mathematics educator: South Africa - National study

The topics included in the educators' contextual questionnaire covered e.g. biographical information, qualification, teaching experience, professional development, number of classes and periods, percentage time spent on activities during and after school, tests/exams and homework, learner's educational background, attitude of learners towards learning, negative factors on Mathematics teaching, involvement of parents, class profile - size of classes and type of facilities, Mathematics syllabus, improved assessment practices, effective use of learning support materials, and curriculum monitoring.

The data file consists of 306 variables and 149 cases.