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Data set results for H

The impact of HIV-AIDS on the health sector 2002: Adult data - All provinces in South Africa

The data set contains adult patients' data- demographic, morbidity, behavioural, environmental and data on health facilities (i.e. type, province and health district). Patient biographic data (age, sex, race, residence, nationality, language, type of dwelling, education, employment, income, religion, marital status, etc.). Data on history of hospitalisation of patient and data on patients health status like weight, STIs, pregnancy etc. and symptoms/diseases that had prompted patients to seek medical and health care. Behavioural data includes sexual partnerships, condom use, alcohol/ drug use and circumcision that predisposes one towards infection with HIV.
Environmental data on pollution, living on farms and access to clean drinking water and food as well as data on HIV status was collected.

The data contains 192 variables and 1534 cases.

The impact of HIV-AIDS on the health sector 2002: Child data - All provinces in South Africa

The data set contains child patients' data - demographic, morbidity, behavioural, environmental and data on health facilities (i.e. name, type, and province and health district). Patient biographic data (age, sex, race, residence, nationality, refugee status, place of birth, language, type of dwelling, education, employment; religion, orphan hood status, marital status of parents, etc.). Data on history of hospitalisation of patient and data on patients health status like weight loss, diarrhoea etc. and symptoms/diseases that had prompted patients to seek medical and health care. Furthermore environmental data on pollution, living on farms and access to clean drinking water and food was collected as well as data on HIV status.

The data contains 108 variables and 415 cases.

The impact of HIV-AIDS on the health sector 2002: Health facilities data - All provinces in South Africa

The questions contained in the health facility questionnaire were asked of 218 respondents (each representing one facility) from each of the facilities in the sample.Topics included in the questionnaires are: facility information, health institution (e.g. type), ownership of the health institution, location, size, services, human resources, turnover, admission rates, HIV/AIDS care, TB treatment, STDs treatment, cost of health care, drug utilization, laboratory supplies and utilization, resistance testing, blood transfusion services.

The data contains 351 variables and 218 cases.

The impact of HIV-AIDS on the health sector 2002: Health workers data - All provinces in South Africa

The data set contains data collected from professional and non-professional health workers pertaining to biographical information of respondent, workload, job satisfaction, staff morale, working hours, absence from work during the past year, caring for HIV/AIDS patients, HIV/AIDS-related policies/procedures, fear of transmitting/contracting HIV/AIDS through contact, spouse/colleagues feelings and stigma.

There are additional variables in the data set, which include sector, HIV test results and weight.

HIV and Alcohol Prevention in Schools (HAPS) 2003-08 - KwaZulu-Natal

This data set contains the responses of students in the ninth grade which involves testing two successful prevention curricula, namely, Amazing Alternatives, which is a peer-focused alcohol prevention curriculum, and the modified Reducing the Risk curriculum, a skills-based HIV-prevention curriculum.

It contains 290 variables and 1319 cases.

Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) Research Seminars 2014-2015

The seminars focused on HSRC projects that were underway in 2014-2015 and related work being done elsewhere at the time of the seminar. The seminars addressed latest research, identified research gaps, suggested new research agendas and explored potential policy relevance. This data set includes the proceedings of the 10 seminars of 2014-2015. The following themes were covered:

17 September 2014 - Knowledge Generation and Innovation in the Humanities

16 October 2014 - Measuring Multiple Deprivation at a Small Area Level in South Africa: A Springboard for Tackling Deprivation in the Eastern Cape

02 December 2014 - The Current State of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in South Africa: Research Findings and Implications for Programme Development

09 December 2014 - Critical Perspectives on the ASSAf Humanities Consensus Report

02 March 2015 - Substance Abuse, Harm Prevention and Harm Reduction: Setting a Research Agenda

03 March 2015 - Spatial Measures of Socio-economic Inequality in South Africa

10 March 2015 - Human and Social Dynamics: The Role of the Social Sciences in Science Engagement

11 March 2015 - Public Engagement for Good Governance: The Role of the Humanities

24 March 2015 - (Un)healthy diets - A Tale of Misinformation or Competing Interests?

27 March 2015 - Food, Nutrition, and Care: Security During the First 1,000 days

Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) Research Seminars 2015-2016

The seminars focused on HSRC projects that were underway in 2015-2016 and related work being done elsewhere at the time of the seminar. The seminars addressed latest research, identified research gaps, suggested new research agendas and explored potential policy relevance. This data set includes the proceedings of the 10 seminars of 2015-2016. The following themes were covered:

25 April 2015 - The role of government in an unequal world

26 August 2015 - The meaning of democracy in post-1994 rural South Africa: examples from research conducted in the Eastern Cape

27 August 2015 - The meaning of democracy in post-1994 rural South Africa: Policy implications of research conducted in the Eastern Cape and its impact on the Xhalanga District Court judgement

11 September 2015 - Terrorism, New Militarisms, and Human Rights - Transdisciplinary Approaches

14 September 2015 - Assessments of Social Inequality across Time and Countries

15 September 2015 - Attitudes Towards Social Inequality: Hopes, Fears and Global Prospects

16 November 2015 - The role of science councils in realizing national development goals

25 November 2015 - Exploring policy and practice for a gender responsive mining sector

27 November 2015 Bringing cognitive justice and restorative action in public policy making

17 March 2016 - A new social imaginary and subjectivities for a diverse, socially just world: some interventions

Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) Research Seminars 2016-2017

The seminars focused on HSRC projects that were underway in 2016-2017 and related work being done elsewhere at the time of the seminar. The seminars addressed latest research, identified research gaps, suggested new research agendas and explored potential policy relevance. This data set includes the proceedings of the 10 seminars of 2016-2017. The following themes were covered:

30 June 2016 - Rebellion of the poor: Research, politics, policing and people

01 July 2016 - Rebellion of the poor: Research on protests: South Africa, Egypt, Turkey and Ukraine Compared

28 September 2016 - Researching youth languages in Africa

21 November 2016 - Capacity building for (community) engaged scholarship

23 November 2016 - Policy co-ordination and growth traps in a middle-income country setting: The case of South Africa

24 November 2016 - Best practice in male circumcision: The acknowledgement of traditional leaders as custodians

08 March 2017 - The 'Human Capital Pipeline' - Human capabilities and the South African System of Innovation

22 March 2017 - Towards a more equal society: Perspectives of educational inequality in South Africa

23 March 2017 - The National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS): What does NIDS tell us about growing up in South Africa? A focus on children and youth

31 March 2017 - Intergenerational trauma and memory: Implications for social cohesion in contemporary South Africa

Local government: Experiences of harm or threats of violence (HTV) 2018

This data set contains the responses given by municipal officials from an online survey of violence experiences. The data set has 35 variables and 448 cases.