Terms and conditions
Access to data is provided subject to an End User License (EUL). This is agreed to when downloading data files from the HSRC web site. In summary the agreement stipulates that by accessing the data, you give assurance that
The data and documentation will not be duplicated, redistributed or sold without prior approval from the rights holder.
The data will be used for scientific research or educational purposes only. The data will only be used for the specified purpose. If it is used for another purpose the additional purpose will be registered. Redundant data files will be destroyed.
The confidentiality of individuals/organisations in the data will be preserved at all times. No attempt will be made to obtain or derive information from the data to identify individuals/organisations.
The HSRC will be acknowledged in all published and unpublished works based on the data according to the provided citation.
The HSRC will be informed of any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports or other publications resulting from work based in whole or in part on the data and documentation.
For archiving and bibliographic purposes an electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to the HSRC.
To offer for deposit into the HSRC Data Collection any new data sets which have been derived from or which have been created by the combination of the data supplied with other data.
The data team bears no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Failure to comply with the End User License may result in sanctions being imposed.