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Evaluation of Access to Justice and Promotion of Constitutional Rights Programme (AJPCR) 2016 - South Africa

The Inception Report made provision for 9 key informant interviews, a total of 18 key informant interviews were conducted. As planned twelve focus group interviews were conducted. Over 100 documents were studied.

South African Democracy Expert Survey (SADES) 2021

The data set measures the views of experts on South African democracy drawing from the relevant indicators of the Varieties of Democracy (V- Dem) project, which include accountability, civil and political liberties, elections and campaigns, the right to franchise, separation of powers, voter participation, civic education, equality before the law, ethical political elite behaviour and political tolerance.

Of the targeted population of 159, 51 responses (32%) were realised.

The data set contains 57 variables and 51 cases.

South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1) 2011-12 Impact assessment (SANHANES-1IMPACT), 2017: Interviews

As part of the assessment of the impact of findings of the South African National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (SANHANES-1) 2011-12 in respect only of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), in-depth interviews with relevant parties. The evaluation consisted of five output, outcome and impact categories, i.e. knowledge, benefits to future research and research use, benefits from informing policy and product development, health and health sector benefits, and broader social and economic benefits.

The data set contains a summary of 14 interviews conducted with participants ranging from a senior medical researcher to a PHD student.

The realised respondent interviews comprised 3 South African medical academic researchers; 4 members of the SANHANES-1 research team; 5 government officials (Department of Health and Treasury); 1 PhD student; and 1 foreign researcher. Three HSRC communications staff provided information about media and social media outputs. Despite several attempts, 2 other key high-profile stakeholders could not be interviewed.

siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 Cohort 1 Grade 1

The file contains the individual learner literacy scores as well as the parent or caregiver responses to the home questionnaire

The data set contains 3981 cases and 181 variables.

siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 School

The file contains the principal literacy responses to the school background questionnaire.

The data set has 16 cases and 63 variables.

siyaJabula siyaKhula's Learner Regeneration Project Mhinga in Limpopo (sJsK) 2013-14 Teacher

Individual teacher and classroom contextual background information questionnaire are contained in the file.

The data set contains 176 cases and 145 variables.